Break Free From Addiction

Talk to an addiction treatment specialist 24/7. Confidential. Find out what treatment options are available. No obligation. One phone call can change your life. 

Break Free From Addiction

Talk to an addiction treatment specialist 24/7. Confidential. Find out what treatment options are available. No obligation. One phone call can change your life. 

What Is Mindcology? 

Mindcology is an orginization that helps connect people with treatment providers that specialize in addiction or substance abuse. Treatment specialists recommend different programs or treatment centers that can help you. There is a large variety of programs offered from out-patient to in-patient. Additionally, all hotline calls are confidential and no obligation.

Alcohol Freedom

Treatments and programs to achieve freedom from alcoholism or abuse. In-patient, out-patient, 12-step programs and more.

Prescription Drug Freedom

Achieve freedom from prescription drugs through in-patient and out-patient programs. Treatements specialized for specific drugs.

Beating Street Drugs

Help through in-patient and out-patient programs targeted at illicit street drugs. Treatments are available for all substances.

Three Steps For Beating Substance Abuse

1. Making The Decision.

Make the decision to escape addiction and regain control of your life. Every major life change first begins with a decision in your mind.

2. Get Empowered.

Feel empowered about the future and all the changes possible for you. Beating addiction is something to feel excited about.

3. Call Our Treatment Specialists

Call the addiction hotline to get information on treatment programs.  Confidential. No Obligation.

What happens on our phone call?

Treatment spsecialists will first ask a few general questions about what kind of treatment you are looking for or what specific issue you are struggling with such as alcoholism, drug addiction or other issues. The treatment specialist will ask you what kind of insurance you have to make recommendations of what programs and treatment plans are available to you. If you decide you would like to pursue any of those programs or plans the treatment specialist will connect you to the specific center or program. There is no obligation to pursue any specific treatment and all hotline calls are confidential. 

Call Now 24/7. You Have Nothing To Lose And Everything To Gain.

Empathetic and caring treatment specialists are waiting to talk.