Individuals living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) struggle with feelings of emptiness, a lack of self-esteem and a deep seeded fear of abandonment. In many instances, fear of abandonment is the most prominent symptom for BPD sufferers. These individuals...
5 Causes And Solutions To A Sexless Marriage
When most people think of marriage, they don’t think of the word celibacy. However, many marriages today are mostly or completely sexless. It’s estimated that nearly twenty percent of marriages are celibate. So, why are many marriages sexless when no one...
How To Deal With A Stalker: 5 Types Of Stalkers & Steps To Staying Safe
Fear is one fundamental warning sign when stalking has occurred or is occurring. Stalking is a behavior that includes the strategic tactic of implementing constant fear into another’s life with the constant worry of what someone may do at any given moment....
The 15 Most ‘Common’ And Provocative Sexual Fantasies
Sexual fantasies, also known as erotic fantasies, are as unique as the individual experiencing them. Fantasies range from the tame to the taboo, and they can also vary from docile to ‘deviant,’ or from fiction to fantasy, they are an amalgam of variety. They are meant...
How Does The Grey Rock Method Work?
Picture a dull, lifeless rock devoid of color and features. Perhaps with the exception of geologists, it doesn’t hold any charm and is unextraordinary and uninteresting to most of us. The grey rock is a metaphor for what we should temporarily become if we want to...
Powerful Advice For Healing From Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional abuse that can have a serious impact on the victim's mental and emotional well-being. Narcissists use manipulation, control, and other tactics to exploit and abuse their victims. It can happen in any relationship, including...
Celebrities And Fictional Characters With Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline personality disorder is getting significant recognition in the 21st century. This is likely due to the increased availability and acceptance of therapy for most individuals and social media exposure. Many celebrities are using their social platforms such as...